Exquisite Terror
I’m not afraid of death
At least not my own
There is birth
And there is death
And in between
There is life
Birth and Death
Life and…
There’s no opposite to life
Life is what happens between the two
If anything
There is life
And there is…
I suppose it depends
On your personal philosophy
Perhaps there is life
And after life
But as there is no way of knowing
We can only concern ourselves
With the here and now
Birth and death
Are the book ends to life
We are born
We live our story
And we die
Are the book ends to life
We are born
We live our story
And we die
One’s life may be
Good or bad
Easy or hard
Happy or sad
In any case it is ours
But life seems to become
Infinitely more precious
When it is not our own
The exquisite terror of death is felt
When we love someone else’s life
More than our own
Words: ©2019LCR
Image: CCO
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