We came to a fork in the road
And our paths diverged
I went one way
While you went the other
I wanted you to come with me
I offered you my hand
So that we could stay together
On our journey
But you refused to take it
You stood staring at the signs
And couldn’t choose a direction
So you picked the easy way
The road you knew
The one that led no where
Ending up right back where you started
While I chose the other
The one that was perilous
And unknown
That is the one I asked you to travel
With me
What you didn’t realize
Was that I had already traversed on ahead
And cleared the path of any obstacles
The journey would have been easy together
If you had just taken the first step
In my direction
Words: ©2020LCR
Image: No Claim. The Parting by Francis Campbell Boileau Cadell
Image: No Claim. The Parting by Francis Campbell Boileau Cadell
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