Dreamt Again

Dreamt Again

I dreamt of you 
Again last night
I dreamt of us
Before dawn’s light

But it wasn’t you 
And it wasn’t I
In the dreams
I dreamt last night

It was them
Just he and she
The you and I
We used to be

I dreamt of us
I dreamt of them
I dreamt last night
Of you again

Words: ©2019LCR
Image: CCO


  1. Some thing that was now only is as a new story

    1. I assume then is about yourself ? If so i hope that it pass's in time and your dreams become happier

    2. A dream I appear to be having over and over. But I never said it was unhappy. It is a dream of the past. One day I'll write it too.

    3. Lol....can't read em right i guess

    4. You read them as you do. It's all good.


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