Smouldering Kisses

Smouldering Kisses

I'd like to touch you 
Take you by surprise
Steal a kiss
Before the moment 
Passes me by
I want to know
As passions burn
Would you let it go
Or demand its return

Words: ©2017LCR
Image: CCO
Word Prompt: Smouldering
Shared on Real Toads Tuesday Platform


  1. Oh gosh this is such a wonderfully passionate write! ❤️

  2. A kiss can mean so much... maybe the stolen kind are the best.

    1. They certainly can be the sweetest. :)

  3. That is the big question - whether the kiss would be returned or not.

  4. That space of time, waiting to see if the kiss will be returned, can be one of the most exquisite tortures known to humankind.

  5. I love it when a few lines tell an entire story (one shared and felt be so many). To be standing there, looking at the want we want (and often love), wondering if our affection will be returned... dreaming of how delicious it would be if a stolen kiss becomes the fulfillment of another's wish.

    I like really like the rhythm... and the playfulness of the tone, which works so well at conveying the sort of nervousness these kinds of feelings will provoke.

    1. Thank you! I like playful writes that have a bit of a wink to them.

    2. And they like you back. Because this is yummy. :)

  6. take you by surprise....yes...bkm


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