Like Summer

Like Summer

I want to love you softly
Like summer rain
The gentle mist
That kisses your skin
As you turn 
Your face to the sky
I want to love you sweetly
As a summer breeze
That whispers 
Of yesterdays and tomorrows
And carries the scent
Of summer flowers
And the hum of soft words
I want to love you deeply
Like summer nights
That wrap you in darkness
And fill your silence 
With music heard
From a far away voice
I want to love you brightly
As the summer moon
Emerging from a cloud
And every star
That fills the night sky
I want to love you warmly
Like the summer sun
That colours your skin
And flushes your cheeks
With heat and sweat
I want to love you
Like summer

Words and Image: ©2017LCR
