

I need you 
To bridge this distance
Between us

The chasm
That separates 
You and I

I need you 
To cross over
Open your arms

And carry me 
So I am not lost 
In the space between

Words: ©2017LCR
Image: No Claim


  1. The level of trust in this speaker's request is the thing of miracles (and of relationships that work). I'm always amazed by people who want things to go well, who wish to get what they want, but never ask for it; even worse, never ask for it in the right way--showing the hurt bones, the bleeding heart, and trusting the one who can do right by them to do just that.

    1. It is so hard to ask for what we want and we just have to trust in the other to see what needs being done. I really like how you've interpreted this write. Thank you so much Magaly.


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