Walking Out

Walking Out

You left 
Walked out
And now here we are
Father and son
Trying to find a way
Through this frozen wilderness
Each in our own way
You were taught to be a hunter
But not a killer
To take only 
What can be carried out
It is a cumbersome burden
One you have learned too well
And I too little
Like the young bear
With hurt pa(w)
Maimed but able
Walking out
You taught me 
How to survive on my own
You left me
But I will not leave you behind
Even in death
I carry you with me

Words: ©2019LCR
Inspired by the movie Walking Out.  This is a movie that made me think.  That stayed with me for quite some time after it ended.   It is a book lovers kind of movie.
Video Clip: No Claim
