To Need You Like This
I woke up needing you. And in my half sleep I reached out for you. Wanting to feel you close. I hungered for you. And my need became yours. The want becoming primal. To take and be taken. Your body on mine becoming harder in desire. We are flesh sparking at every touch. You growl and I moan and these sounds say more than words ever could. Until you finally thrust yourself into me. And it is like coming alive. My heart exploding and gasping for breath. I am yours. And the feeling runs deeper than my body. I feel you in my soul and it makes me cry. Not tears of pain or sadness but of pleasure and completeness. A feeling of being whole. Of being one. And it is overwhelming. To need you like this.
Words: ©2018LCR
Image: No Claim, All Rights to Original Artist

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