Belated Birthday Wish

Belated Birthday Wish

Broke down and cried
So many tears wept in vain
Another year passed
And you missed my birthday again

Not a single word given
Nor pleasantry received
Guess that's what's left 
Of you and me

And why should it matter
It’s just one more day
Where you prove how little
You mean what you say

So tell me why
(When you’ve made it abundantly clear)
Does it still hurt
When I don’t find you here?

Stupidly lighting a candle
With a wick far too small
It fizzles and spurts
Giving no light at all

But the flame still flickers
And refuses to die
It burns the remains
Of you and I

Then I close my eyes
Wipe away bitter tears
And make a wish
Just like previous years

Words: ©2020LCR
