Because I Said So!

Because I Said So!

Oh my word -- did I just say that?

I'm wondering at what point I turned into my mother?  Did it happen all at once or was it a slow and gradual process?  Did the transformation happen the moment my first child was born or have I been slowly evolving?

Don't get me wrong -- my mother is great, I love my mom.  I just didn't expect to become her so quickly.

After being asked "Why?" for the zillionth time --

Why can't we get/have/go [insert child's most dearest desire here]?

And answering because [valid reasons].

(Because... it's too expensive)
(Because... it's cold outside)
(Because... you have to go to school)

So on and so forth, ad nauseam. I finally snapped.  No more reasons why, just ...

Because I said so!

That's it.  That's all.  End of discussion.

And that was the exact moment I became my mother.   The transformation was complete.   

Now I find her words coming out of my mouth all the time.   And I swear I can hear her laughing. 

Words: ©2021LCR
Image: CCO 
Prompt: Weekly Scribblings #55: "What you resist, you become."


  1. I think the first phrase that came out of my mouth that sounded like a carbon copy of my mom's had to do with orders to put on a sweater.

    1. It's amazing how quickly their words become our own!

  2. I'm pretty sure I just heard her laughter, too. Bwahahaha!

  3. She is ... I can promise you. Cheers!

  4. Oh yes, quite a disconcerting moment when one first hears her words come out of one's own mouth! Engagingly told, Lori.

  5. Ha...old school parenting is easier than long explanations...enjoyed this !

  6. Such a precise moment...and very authentic!

  7. I'm sure she's laughing. The older my daughter grows, the more I see myself in her and I find it amusing. It's got to be the Lord's way of keeping us humble. which happens, no doubt, when we eat a lot of humble pie!

    1. Lol. I love seeing myself in my little girl too. :)

  8. I think it has a lot to do with having children. My sister started sounding
    like my mother early on.


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