Global Poetry Writing Month April 2021

So a quick note...

I participated in GloPoWriMo for the first time last year.  I'm going to try to do it again this year.  We're still in a pandemic.  The province has just announced a 28 day lockdown.  Quite frankly it's taking a toll on me.  I'm in a pretty heavy place right now and that's likely to show up in my writing.  It's how I sort myself out, but I'm ok.  I promise.  I was going to try to use this month to find and experiment with new forms and styles but my muse hasn't spoken to me in ages and this extended confinement is taking its toll on both my mind and body.   I'm feeling like a pretty shitty writer these days with nothing new or interesting to say and a heart that seems to be fond of breaking itself into pieces.  But I think sometimes we need to break open to release what we have to let go.   I'm trying.   Perhaps I'm living too much in my head but memory is the only place I have to visit right now.   

To everyone that reads and comments.   I appreciate you so very much.  I have to send a special shout out to Helen and Magaly who seem to know when to drop by exactly when I need you.   Thank you from the bottom of my heart and the cockles of my soul for all of your kind words and support.  You both inspire me with your wit, sass, and joie de vivre. 

Photo below is mine.  It captured my spirit today feeling so close to the edge.   I was alone for the first time in ages and while cold with a few flakes of snow I could smell the water and hear it lapping the shore.  It made me hungry for adventure.  


  1. Ok ... you made me cry. A lovely little cry. I have decided to do the thirty poems for April National Poetry Month. Turned off comments .. no pressure on any of my poet friends to critique. I am going to attempt this for the sheer challenge of it. I have struggled a bit as well and long for normalcy/ adventure. I understand your emotion / mood. Be well, stay safe, I care.

    1. I appreciate you so very much. Your kindness and spirit are felt from a distance. I'm glad you'll be participating. Another adventurer! This month is all about exploring for me so I'm glad to have company along the way. No obligation to comment/critique. I'm just happy you're here. I care too and will be reading. All the best.


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