The Body Politic

The Body Politic

We talk about the body politic

As if we have any sort of autonomy

When our bodies do not belong to us

Borrowed from the elements

Stardust and water 

We must eventually return

What we have been given 

And free ourselves from the shells

We called home

Words: ©2021LCR

Image: No Claim


  1. I never thought about it in quite these terms, but this feels very right. We do sort of lease our bodies. You'd think that detail would nudge us to take special care of it, until we have to give it back.

    1. Thank you so much. I'm definitely trying to care for mine a little better.

  2. Magaly's comment echos my thoughts ... We pay a price when we do not honor the terms of our lease.

    1. Yes we do. Which I am starting to learn as I feel my body creak!


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