October People

October People

We are the October people
The eaters of days
And drinkers of night

Harbingers of darkness
That cool the skin
And ignite the soul

We are the October people
The orange fire stealers
The last leaf revellers

Dancing with the wind
As the world unfolds
And gets ready for bed

We are the October people
Strange and unruly
Feeling change all around 

Words: ©2019LCR
Image: No Claim


  1. I am an October person!! Love the rhythm and the message and the art!

    1. I am too! Thank you so much. I found the art after the write. I loved how perfectly it fit the mood of this piece.

  2. Almost all the red and most of the orange is gone now, leaving us only a wealth of gold. Counting my blessings, I am.

    1. Each leaf like a coin to be counted. It’s like a forest on fire here without the burn. But no snow yet so thankful this thanksgiving weekend.


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