

I stumbled across a recent photo

Of a boy I dated 

When I was seventeen

I would have sworn it was yesterday

But the picture told me

How much older I am

His face had changed so entirely

I didn’t recognize him at all

If he had passed me on the street

And called me by name

I wouldn’t have known him

Even his eyes were different

The fire and spark 

That once lived inside them

Had gone 

Then I saw his hand

A hand that used to touch me 


One that mesmerized me 

When he held a microphone

In his grip

The hand that caressed me softly

With fingers that thrilled

In absolute pleasure

The same hand that once

Raised a fist to me

In anger

But only ever once 

Because once was enough

For me to remember his hand 

When I no longer recognized his face

Words: ©2021LCR
Image: CCO


  1. Your writing, Lori, is always so evocative, and this one, particularly frightening. Thank you for sharing them. I am so glad I can still read your work now, in the post G+ days.

    1. Thank you. I miss G+. It was the best. I appreciate you taking the time to visit me here and comment. Thank you for the kind words.


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